Creating Personal Birth Affirmations: A step-by-step guide


As much as outside ‘noise’ needs to be filtered and quietened as wepreparefor birth, so too do we need to investigate our inner dialogue - the way that we talk to and about ourselves. This too carries weight, influencing how you perceive, interpret, and respond to situtions in the world around you.

One way to explore and shift your inner dialogue is to create affirmations. In birth preparation, affirmations are more than just positive statements — they can be powerful tools that help shape your mindset and create a sense of confidence, and connection during pregnancy and birth. When these affirmations come from your own heart and are aligned with your intuition, intentions and personal experiences, they become even more meaningful.

During my pregnancy my focus was on connecting to my body and my baby, and embodying the full experience of labour at home. I wanted to face what came with openess and welcome whatever sensations arose. And so, the simple phrase ‘yes’ became my affirmation. Yes to the sensation. Yes to the joy. Yes to the hard work. Yes to meeting my self and my baby through labour and birth. Yes, Yes, Yes. That simple word (alongside a few choice swear words) was one I repeated in my mind over and over, an anchor during the most challenging hours. 

I created this guide to help you through the process of creating your own personal birth affirmations that resonate deeply with your unique journey, guiding you to tap into your inner wisdom and strength. I hope that it helps you find the words and phrases that resonate, that uplift, and act as a bouy when you’re feeling wobbly. Because whether you're preparing for your first birth or returning to the birth space with previous experience, crafting your own affirmations can be a profound way to prepare both mind and spirit for the transformative journey ahead.

Step 1: Choose Your Core Themes

Ask yourself to identify 3-4 of these that resonate most:

  • Strength and power

  • Trust in your body

  • Connection with baby

  • Surrender and release

  • Safety and security

  • Support and community

  • Peace and calm

  • Courage and confidence

Step 2: Personal Power Words

Create your list of powerful words that feel authentic to you:

  • Strong words: powerful, capable, strong, fierce

  • Gentle words: flowing, soft, open, release

  • Connection words: together, united, connected, bonded

  • Nature words: ocean, mountain, tree, river

  • Action words: breathe, soften, rise, flow

Step 3: Affirmation Structure Templates

Template A: "I am..." Statements

Fill in: "I am [power word] and [power word]"

Example: "I am powerful and grounded in my body"

Template B: "My body..." Statements

Fill in: "My body [action word] with each [birth word]"

Example: "My body softens with each contraction”

Template C: "Each..." Statements

Fill in: "Each [birth word] brings me closer to [goal]"

Example: "Each contraction brings me closer to my baby"

Template D: Three word combinations & simple repetition

Combine three power words or use simple repetition to create rhythmic affirmations.

Example: "Trust, Open, Release" “Soften, Soften, Soften”

Step 4: Personalization Prompts

Answer these to make your affirmations more meaningful:

1. What makes you feel most powerful?

2. Where do you feel safest?

3. What natural element connects with you?

4. What kind of mother/parent do you envision being?

Step 5: Refinement Questions

After writing each affirmation, ask:

  • Does this feel authentic when I say it?

  • Does it bring me comfort or strength?

  • Is it easy to remember?

  • Would it be helpful during labour?

Sample Combinations:

  • Power + Nature: "I am the wave"

  • Trust + Body: "My wise body knows the way"

  • Connection + Baby: "My baby and I work together"

  • Surrender + Peace: "I soften and release"

Tips for Use:

  • Start with 3-5 affirmations and repeat these

  • Practice saying them daily during pregnancy

  • Record them in your own voice

  • Write them on birth space cards

  • Share them with your birth team



Self-Advocacy & Boundaries as Birth Preparation


People: Sophia Somerville