Body of Water, Body of Mine
Soak - A Playlist from Soft Centre
Soak — a new playlist up on the site today. Music to mirror your own ebb and flow, to ride the waves and ripples through the week.
I grew up on the river, on Waveroo country. The muddy banks offering a steady embrace as the currents pulled me along. The smell of the dirt and the gum trees and that unmistakable heat of the earth underfoot, tempered by the cool dark water. Bodies of water offer us the opportunity to be held, to surrender, to emerge anew.
In her book ‘Transformed by Birth’ Britta Bushnell likens labour and birth support people to the banks of the river, while the birthing person is the moving water. A potent image and one I am really drawn to. I always hold this analogy in mind when I am at a birth – how can I embody those grounding, steady banks? How can I allow the birthing person to move freely, and find their own rythm unhindered?
I’ll practice by immersing my own soft and tender body in healing bodies of water, to be held, rinsed, renewed.
You can listen to our latest playlist, Soak here.