People: Chelsea Evans

Name: Chelsea Evans (she/her)

Location: I live in Tauranga-Moana, Aotearoa. Ko tēnei taku mihi ki ngā tāngata whenua o te rohe nei. Ka mihi hoki au ki ngā tohu o te rohe nei. Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa.

Occupation/ Business: I am a naturopath, herbalist, nutritionist and doula. My naturopathy business is called Whole Wellness Co, my doula business is yet to be established yet and I have created a postpartum meal delivery service start up business with my friend Sara, called For You Postpartum.

Postpartum care is my deepest passion.

Who makes up your family? My whānau is made up of my wife Kate, our dog Flynn and our baby, Luca Ivy, on the way, currently growing in Kate's womb. Due September 2021.

What core principles / values inform your offerings? Values that underpin any of my work, offerings and care are unconditional support, listening & compassion. As most of my work involves people, boundaries around my capacity are very important, in order to take care of myself and everyone I work with.

What are you currently working on? Currently my energy is going into preparing for our baby and getting the new postpartum meal delivery business up and running! Both are very big undertakings!

What daily practices or rituals connect you with your centre? I enjoy writing, journalling is a big practice for me. Sitting with a cup of cacao, pulling cards & gently moving my body always connects me to my centre.

What does community mean to you? Community to me means making sure that everyone's needs are taken care of and coming together to create something abundant and supportive for all. Community looks like checking in on people, showing acts of kindness, and creating structures that are regenerative for the collective.

How does community care and self-care intersect for you? The pressure on self-care only places all the responsibility on the individual and doesn't acknowledge the human and societal need for community. Community care is not leaving anyone behind, you need community care to have self-care.

How has motherhood/ parenthood impacted your identity? I am soon to find out. Already I can feel the shift beginning, my world about to change forever, in many wonderful ways.

What is something you're proud of? I am proud of the way that I have learnt to rest and reclaim my time. The way I've learnt to stand up for myself and others.

My cup is full when... I have time to spend with my wife and our little family. When I slow down enough to listen to the sweet sounds of nature and be still.

I'm grateful for... All the joy that exists in my world. Our little home, our sweet growing family, our health, our community that is slowly building around us, the abundance that flows, the support we have around us.

Where can we find you? You can visit my website or follow along on IG @wholewellnessco & @foryoupostpartum



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We Dance to Survive