Your name
First Name
Last Name
Your preferred pronouns:
Your email
Your phone number
Do you have a preferred method of contact?
Phone Call
Do you have any core identities, or anything else that you would like to share with me?
Partner/Support persons name
First Name
Last Name
Partner/Support persons preferred pronouns:
Partner/Support persons phone number
Your estimated due date
Birthing location
Birthing location address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Do/did you have a primary caregiver chosen for your birth?
Have you been postpartum before (including any losses that you consider postpartum)?
What about those experiences would you like to be the same or different this time?
What are you most excited about for this postpartum? And (if applicable) support person(s)?
Do you have any fears or concerns about the postpartum time or newborn care?
Is there anything in your personal history that might make it hard for you to cope with the experience of postpartum?
Do you have any medical conditions that you feel may affect your postpartum period? If so, please share as much as you are comfortable.
Have you/did you experience any pregnancy complications?
Do you have any spiritual or religious practices that you would like to include in your postpartum care? If so, do you need my assistance with any of this?
What is your current or planned method of infant feeding? (nursing, pumping, formula, etc)
What can I do to best support this plan? (lactation resources, walk you through how to use your pump, be ready to support you if your plan changes, etc.)
Would you like to create/modify a postpartum plan? (meal train, go-to people to call or check in with, etc). If so, what sort of things would you like to include in your postpartum plan?
Do you have any concerns about your ability to feed your baby?
Do you feel that you have a supportive community in the area? If not, what can I do to help you feel supported?
What are your expectations of me as your postpartum doula?
Do you have any allergies (Food, medication, etc) or food preferences?
Postpartum Support Team (for you):
Friends and/or Family
Pelvic Floor Specialist
Maternal and Child Health Nurse
Private Midwife
Postpartum Doula
Food Delivery Service
House Cleaning Service
Lactation Consultant
Massage Therapist
Herbaist and/or Naturopath
Mental Health Professional
Postpartum Support Team (for your baby)
Craniosacral therapy
Night Nanny
Do you want any additional information on the following?
Perineum Care
Newborn Care
C-Section recovery
Breast/ Chestfeeding
Breast / Chest pumps
Bottle Feeding
Postpartum Depression
Infant Massage
Postpartum Nutrition
Baby Wearing
Co Sleeping
Please share anything else you would like me to know about you or any topics you would like to discuss